This product contains natural products of fennel and quercetin nanoparticles, various allowed herbal flavors and other natural compounds that prevent tooth decay and can be used for different ages.
Uses: The above medicated candy because it contains natural compounds of fennel and quercetin; In addition to the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s in the prevention of mouth, esophagus and stomach cancers, eliminating cancer cells, improving allergy symptoms, reducing inflammation and releasing histamine compounds in allergic reactions, controlling blood sugar, preventing infection, preventing Nervous diseases and helps to prevent heart diseases and reduce high blood pressure, increase the immune system and reduce skin irritation.
Method and amount of consumption: The candy contains fennel and quercetin nanoparticles, which should be consumed twice a week according to the dosage, and should be sucked for ten minutes each time in order to gradually release the nanoparticles in the candy.
Warnings: It is forbidden to use this product during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In case of kidney disease, use with caution and under the supervision of a doctor. In case of simultaneous use with other products and other drugs, consult a doctor before using the product. Consult your doctor for long-term use
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